@assetmgrs Roger; How do you feel about the design characteristics of hybrid amps, say with a tube preamp and a solid state power amp like the Rogue Pharaoh? Does this approach offer advantages of both tube and SS, or does it compromise the best of both sides? Thanks in advance.
So this would be a integrated. I looked at a picture. I would be concerned about tube noise. I have heard their tube phono stage is unusable due to noise. I see the line stage is a 12AU7, thats a poor choice as quiet ones are hard to find. Might be a problem on sensitive speakers.
I dont see a noise or distortion spec on their literature. Thats a little bothersome. The damping factor of >1000 is very hard to verify and will be cut in half with even a heavy speaker cable. So its kind of silly.
I worked on older Rogue amplifiers and was not impressed. Too many things done strange, like DC heaters for the output tubes and running them way too hot. When I see that kind of stuff I have to wonder. There was no way to reduce the idle current (bias) so I had to put in the most expensive output tubes to be able to guarantee any reasonable life.
I hope their new stuff is better and wish them success if it is. Keep in mind it is a value product, not necessarily high end.