What is the most dramatic way of increasing a speaker's Bass and Low mid?


I am wondering what would give the most dramatic increase in bass and low mid projection/Volume, even on account of accuracy ...

My speakers can go down to 28hz but i need to boost it’s level, not frequency extension. They are 2 way with bass reflex port. 6.5" woofer size and a tweeter. Floor standing.

My floor is old hardwood strips.

placement and coupling methods are the first things that come to mind. I do not want to add an equalizer at this point.

Spikes, footers, concrete platform, direct floor flush contact? anything and everything that YOU know works.
Speculations on untested methods are not needed as i need real life experience from people.


Ya man. That's the spirit. Killing it now with "Rite Of Spring" with Claudio Abaddo. Agreed. 'Nuff said;-)
Modify your crossover.Or source a xover which has the specs you wish.
cheaper way, increase the cap value on the low mids
About 10 years ago I bought a pair of Thiel CS1.6, my first new speakers since the Mission 700s I started with 20 years earlier. Reading around I came across the "Sumiko Masterset" method for placing speakers and decided to give it a try. My first attempt ended with the speakers a little over 2 feet (64.5cm) to the wall behind though I went for only a small amount of toe in. As I gradually got used to the system it became more and more apparent that the upper bass/lower mid was a bit lacking so I had another go and found another node 22cm closer to the back wall that filled in that region but at a small cost in soundstage depth (which I could live with). I've since moved the Thiels to a much larger room (from 13.5' by 12.5 to 23' by 19')' and after I'd got them placed to my satisfaction discovered they were again 42.5cm from the wall, coincidence? In both cases the wall is solid, I've never had to deal with a plasterboarded wall behind speakers.