choosing a center channel

Hi folks. I would like to upgrade my center channel speaker. I use the same room for 2ch and htr.
I know that the best choice is to buy the center that matches the l&r but I have some audio physic scorpios and the center is expensive and I rarely see them used.
I’d like advice on a center that is on the warmer side of neutral. It would be for movie dialogue and not multi channel audio so my guess is that the match need not be perfect. I’d also like to keep the price under 2k.

thanks all. I have not really double checked the electronics or connections. I had assumed that the issue was a $200 speaker that sounded like a $200 speaker.
But I do plan to pull other bookshelf speakers that are of a more converntional driver layout to see what they sound like.
The PSBs are worth a listen too. I will see what is out there that I can audition at home.
Still not sure what I am going to do.
Over the weekend, I was able to find the local psb guy who has a couple different choices that I could demo overnight.
I also thought that I would look through the internet direct offerings that offer in home trial but didn't see anything. Av123 has one but it is a little too tall. Axiom has one with a footprint that I like but it was reviewed as being overly bright and that is what I am trying to get away from.
I am also going to call my local audio physic rep and see what he has.
If music were the driver, an identical speaker, as suggested by Kal, is the way to go. I say go all the way...surround speakers also.

However, if it is just for dialog in movies, a speaker optimized for dialog is best. Such a speaker will have limited and non-flat frequency response.