Happy Thanksgiving to all members , enjoy the holiday

Title says all I believe.

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!

🦃 🦃 🦃

Yes I am English but when in Rome.....

Been here 20 years and no intention of leaving.

However I dislike 🦃 ... Lol

So it is chicken for our dinner today.

Cheers everyone!
U - A (20 year) belated welcome, then.  

We're doing a store-bought rotisserie chicken ourselves.  Unable to travel to the larger family today where my bro-in-law will be making a very good deep fried turkey.  Until having that, had really lost my taste for turkey.  

We've much to be grateful for today.  
Snap Ghosthouse!

Lemon Pepper flavor to boot.
All gone now, cats ravaged the left over carcass too!

Off to the shopping mall next, no not my idea of fun either but her who must be obeyed does not ask of too much throughout the year so grin and bear it!

And thx for the welcome...lol