Stopping Vibration from Walmart trucks

I have for the past two weeks had problems with my living room and master bedroom having a low frequency issues in the center of each room, when certain trucks are delivering at a Walmart about 100 yards or so away.
Does anyone know how to disperse the low frequency waves in the room. As you move towards the walls, even in the direction of the Walmart the subwoofer effect goes away.

I have probably contributed to the issue by taking down an old wooden fence and replacing with a wrought iron fence, so we could enjoy a greenbelt between us and Walmart. My wife and I noticed the problem about two days after replacing the fence. It is only noticeable on some evenings with certain trucks, and is actually louder in my living room than at Walmart.

I was wanting to add bass traps are whatever is needed, as I don't want to go back to the fenced in backyard.


Does your city/county have a noise abatement officer? If so, ask the officer to stop by when the trucks are there so you can have your complaint verified. Then take it up with WalMart management. See if you can convince them to put up a sonic barrier on their side.

If not, move ,cause you'll never be satisfied trying to stop what's going on from inside the house. Don't waste time and money with bass traps, etc. 'cause none of that stuff was ever designed or intended to solve your dilemma.

Best of luck.
Low frequency therapy might be recommended as a general tonic if it didn’t infuce seizures quite so often. 😳
I read in the local paper where  homeowners were complaining about the noise pollution from the local Walmart, especially the late night delivery’s.   Walmart solved the problem by making a high earthen wall inside the buffer zone separating the property. No more noise and very happy home owners now. 
Thanks for ALL the ideas.

 I know the trucks are not allowed to idle for longer than 5 minutes in my city, which they seem to ignore, but the only time I notice the problem is around 9:00 pm, on various odd days. On the first night when I was doing investigating and after discussing with night manager, the noise became intermittent, so I will try talking to the main store manager.

My hope with something like Bass Traps, was that since along the walls there is no problem, I could somehow get the nodes in the center of the room to cancel each other. Also, I was thinking it would be the only way to get bass traps in my living room, sorta two bird, one stone.:)

We have been discussing moving to a different city, farther away from the city. I guess it is time to decide.
 Move out off the grid and go solar for energy and outhouse for other necessities.