Velodyne's Dim View

I find it quite frustrating as I have purchased two of velodynes DD-15s in the last 2yrs.
The blue logo light on the front of the sub goes dim after time.It doesn't effect the sound, but it was a nice display
to look at at night.
I even talk to one of Velodynes supposed techs and all I got was,that's just the way it is.I mean come on,3000.00 for a sub
and the light goes so dim you can't hardly see it.
I have components on 24/7 for years and the displays hold their brightness.Makes me wonder how much real quality is in there when Velodyne can't pay attention to such a basic thing as a display light.Other's have noticed this also.
Perhaps a Thiel SS-2 or Fathom-113 upgrade,I guess I'm a tad
ticked off,THAT's JUST THE WAY IT IS,gimme a break.
I've had several productive conversions with the Vel's Arizona product manager as well.

You could probably just pull the bulb from the rear and ID it for replacement.

As good as it is, the DD series is getting long in the tooth and Velodyne should think about improvements. The pulsing logo is a pretty poor status indicator and could be replaced with a digital readout of sub volume and mute.
My experience with Velodyne couldn't be better. I had a bit of a problem with my HGS-15, and dropped it off in Morgan Hill while attending the Monterey vintage car week. I talked and exchanged emails with folks at Velodyne, and they couldn't have been more helpful. The visit to the big facility in Morgan Hill lead me to believe this is a high-tech firm, and that making subs may be a sideline. Nevertheless, the service was great.

I also have an HGS-10 and SMS-1 bass manager, so I'm a satisfied Velodyne customer.

IMHO, Velodyne's DD software/interface is great, the actual subs maybe less so. The Velo SMS-1 controller provides the benefits of the digital drive interface (at <$500 street price) for use with any sub of your choice. I've been using it with mediocre Velo SPLR8 subs, but just ordered a pair of 12" Rythmik Audios to replace the SPLRs. The JL subs get a lot of praise and test out extremely well, but the much less expensive Rythmik and SVS subs produce pretty impressive results, too, and offer an awful lot of performance for the $.

Good Luck


PS: Since the SMS - 1 works in the digital domain, its high pass will subject the main signal to A/D/A conversion. If you don't want A/D/A conversion in the main signal path, a ($300) NHT X-2 (or similar) can be used to roll off your main speakers without the A/D/A and without spending a billion $.

I do like my DD-15s,i just figured something as a display light would be a no brainer.other than the light their grat.