What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report

I enjoy vinyl and digital (lately, with recent changes, vinyl actually sounds better than digital to me), BUT given what seems an overall preference for analog/vinyl on A'gon, I'm curious what the non-vinyl "1/2" is listening to. I tried to see if this was a previously posted question. Did not seem so.

This evening for me, it's Genesis (definitive edition remaster) "A Trick of the Tail".

So this is what this thread looks like ... Lol.

Good day to all.

Division .. 10 Years.

From my Vault library.
Greetings, U.  Welcome.

Yup. Here it be. With notable and welcome exceptions, largely a spotty, one-person-journal about digital music listening - whether CD, ripped files, downloads etc. Don’t post all the time; mostly just when the spirit moves in response to something that is (or just in the moment seems) exceptional.

A bit of a Porcupine Tree feel to that 10 Years’ Division recording, I thought.
Hmm, never thought of the comparo before.

What Tree album do you prefer G.?

I’m shooting for " Fear of a Blank Planet"

I have been,listening to a fair bit of solo Steven Wilson stuff of late too though.
I'm not a huge prog metal fan, U - which is to say, don't know a whole lot of  bands in that genre.  Porcupine Tree is just what popped into my head.  Could be on target.  Maybe not.

Hmmm a PT preference...
I was listening to them a bit a few years ago but not much lately.  Back then, probably spent the most time with In Absentia, Deadwing and Blank Planet (in no particular order).  Light Bulb Sun was getting some press but for whatever reason (maybe The Spot didn't have it then?) didn't hear that one.  I do remember being interested in buying but seemed the discs I wanted were out of production.  Haven't looked lately.  I see Spotify is now carrying more of their discography than I remember.  Haven't checked for them on Tidal.  Might do that tonight.