Kosst, your killin’ me. Pick up the latest Stereophile. Don’t even open it. Just flip it over and look at the lovely Focal ad on the back cover.
So let me get this straight... John DeVore is an amateur. As are Sean Casey, Keith Aschenbrenner, Andreas Friedl, and all the other amateur designers who have speakers on the Stereophile Recommended Components list just because they use sourced drivers and then design their own motor assemblies, doping, phase plugs, etc. Got it.
Perhaps we should petition John Atkinson to change the name of Stereophile to "DIY Audio Monthly"?
So let me get this straight... John DeVore is an amateur. As are Sean Casey, Keith Aschenbrenner, Andreas Friedl, and all the other amateur designers who have speakers on the Stereophile Recommended Components list just because they use sourced drivers and then design their own motor assemblies, doping, phase plugs, etc. Got it.
Perhaps we should petition John Atkinson to change the name of Stereophile to "DIY Audio Monthly"?