DAC's : The missing feature: Signal quality

One thing I wish DAC's would provide is some idea of how much jitter and noise a particular input provides. This is something which I think with a little work could be gleaned from the input circuits.

I want something that tells me "woah, that's a really dirty signal coming in, but i"ll do the best I can with it."

One common source of noise is ground loops. Another may be high jitter from a source like Apple TV. This would also help us evaluate the benefits (if any) of various signal cleaners and reclockers.

Jitter detection and then committing to mathematical transforms of measurement is a relatively complicated affair.

Last time I did that, it required the use of an AP SYS2722 measurement system, in a fit of clock designing...

$20k or thereabouts.

Erik: “To put this another way, most of us have no way to tell if a digital source is very poor, mediocre, or great. I'd like a little gadget that could tell me.“

Solution:  👂x 2
Isn't Schiit's implementation of the "buy better gear" LED something like what you're asking for? It's on Gumby and Yggy, not sure about other DACs from them. I believe it has something to do with not being able to reliably lock onto the clock from the source to let AdaptiClock do its thing. 

To wit, I have an Yggy "B" bought recently and from my CD player via AES/EBU, it has never lit up. But from my PC, via 3M coax digital, it has lit up once that I recall, on a Redbook FLAC album. Doesn't surprise me at all, the sound card in the PC was just a cheapy to get a coax S/PDIF out which unfortunately isn't all that common and optical of that size run is going to be sketchy at best at 24/96 or above. But anywho, I think that's at least a rough approximation of what you're thinking about. It doesn't display any sort of "this is how far off you are" info, just a light on the front of the unit.
If it sounds good, it is.I use a retro rotel RDP 980 and it does make a difference.