DAC's : The missing feature: Signal quality

One thing I wish DAC's would provide is some idea of how much jitter and noise a particular input provides. This is something which I think with a little work could be gleaned from the input circuits.

I want something that tells me "woah, that's a really dirty signal coming in, but i"ll do the best I can with it."

One common source of noise is ground loops. Another may be high jitter from a source like Apple TV. This would also help us evaluate the benefits (if any) of various signal cleaners and reclockers.

Erik: “To put this another way, most of us have no way to tell if a digital source is very poor, mediocre, or great. I'd like a little gadget that could tell me.“

Solution:  👂x 2
Isn't Schiit's implementation of the "buy better gear" LED something like what you're asking for? It's on Gumby and Yggy, not sure about other DACs from them. I believe it has something to do with not being able to reliably lock onto the clock from the source to let AdaptiClock do its thing. 

To wit, I have an Yggy "B" bought recently and from my CD player via AES/EBU, it has never lit up. But from my PC, via 3M coax digital, it has lit up once that I recall, on a Redbook FLAC album. Doesn't surprise me at all, the sound card in the PC was just a cheapy to get a coax S/PDIF out which unfortunately isn't all that common and optical of that size run is going to be sketchy at best at 24/96 or above. But anywho, I think that's at least a rough approximation of what you're thinking about. It doesn't display any sort of "this is how far off you are" info, just a light on the front of the unit.
If it sounds good, it is.I use a retro rotel RDP 980 and it does make a difference.
Depending on your budget Ifi Audio has a Usb -3 purifier$129 a steal,  that 
removes 40 dB of noise , plus regenerates a totally new signal 
parts qualityexcellent , they also have  productcalled the defender buy 1-2 removes crap associated with computer noise $59 computer switching  tons of High frequencygsrbage  both come with full
money back satisfaction , also there AC purifiers at $99 I have 3 
i have great isolation dedicated lines, Copper audio outlets 
good line conditioning and these AC purifiers are cumulative. 
Plugin line conditioner , and AC outlets . Many people usethem
Abbington music - UK is the mother company.
they have a headquarters in theUS. No risk ,Results or full money back . I am a Amazon prime member shipping is -0  even on returns something to consider if buying .  Go to IFi audio cite 
best bang for the $$ out there IMO.