Theory about Fidelity Research MC & PMC Carts

I have a theory that the Fidelity Research MC 201 and 202 were the US market version of the PMC-1 and PMC-3. They were all produced from 1980 to 1984 and the specs on each look very similar.

Also, I have searched the entire internet and found no evidence of either the PMC’s being available in USA or the 201/202 being available in Japan.

Does anyone have any info to support or reject this theory.

Thanks in advance.

One other observation of the MC-202 is that it has similarities to the Ortofon SPU’s I have owned in the past. Especially as it relates to PRaT and midrange musical slam.

It exhibits all of the documented qualities of an SPU but does it much better than the SPU’s I have previously owned. 

For this reason I would guess that it is more similar to the FR7 series than some people would like to give it credit for. 

I guess I will have to wait until I can pick up an FR7 before I can prove that theory out. 
When I purchased my 202 NOS a few years ago the seller had a stash of them found in his dad's warehouse. When I asked if I could get a discount on a second he refused. Said that most buyers purchased two of them anyway. I have two. Ikeda San was a artist within the cart world.
I know beauty is in the ear of the beholder in this case but the last thing I would give up in my system are my two MC 202s.

Well the relevance of ateal's question can be illustrated on

the following example. Those who followed Glanz thread know (?)

that Glanz and Astatic ''series'' are produced by Mitachi company

in Japan. So my ''Wien''= ''Vienna'' become Astatic 200= Glanz 31.

However there are people willing to pay more for Astatic 200

then Glanz 31. To my own surprise I discovered that Mitachi

obviously also produced some for Jamo (Denmark). The Jamo

equivalent for Astatic 200 and/or Glanz 31 was sold on Ebay

for $150 less than Astatic 200. All three ''kinds'' are sold for different

prices such that Astatic 200 got the highest prices.

We can then answer Shakespeare question ''What is a name?''

Well identity is about reference : ''what we are talking about?''

The names however lack ''predicative function''. They say nothing

about their bearers . However the persons who were willing to

pay more for Astatic 200 were obviously not aware that Astatic=

Glanz= Jamo.