Well the relevance of ateal's question can be illustrated on
the following example. Those who followed Glanz thread know (?)
that Glanz and Astatic ''series'' are produced by Mitachi company
in Japan. So my ''Wien''= ''Vienna'' become Astatic 200= Glanz 31.
However there are people willing to pay more for Astatic 200
then Glanz 31. To my own surprise I discovered that Mitachi
obviously also produced some for Jamo (Denmark). The Jamo
equivalent for Astatic 200 and/or Glanz 31 was sold on Ebay
for $150 less than Astatic 200. All three ''kinds'' are sold for different
prices such that Astatic 200 got the highest prices.
We can then answer Shakespeare question ''What is a name?''
Well identity is about reference : ''what we are talking about?''
The names however lack ''predicative function''. They say nothing
about their bearers . However the persons who were willing to
pay more for Astatic 200 were obviously not aware that Astatic=
Glanz= Jamo.