What is the first album you purchased, and do you still have it?

My record collection is my passion.  I started buying albums when I was in 9th grade.  I was hooked.  I don;t think I missed a weekend visit to the local record shop in the mall from the time I was 16 until I graduated college.  I still own those albums that I took so much care to choose..Just wondering if anyone else holds such memories dear and are sentimentally holding on to their old albums.  I still play them and enjoy them every bit as much as I did back in the day.
And my first album was Elton John...Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.  Sometimes I look at the covers and think, I have listened to these so much, I am jaded.  But I put them on and enjoy them as much as I ever did.
Meet the Beatles, I remember waiting outside Tower records in Hollywood to get my copy. I still have it along with every Beatles album made......
Sting, "Dream of the Blue Turtles". I was 10 years old. Still have it and play it every now and then.
Side note - a few years later I lend it to a friend, who gave it back with the inner liner notes page all wrinkled. Ever since I do not lend any album or CD to anyone.
Deep Purple In Rock. Bought with lawn mowing money. With my father sending me reel to reels from overseas(he was in the Air Force) I found I liked the Deep Purple stuff he was sending me so I took a chance on In Rock. Didn't like it but still have it from over 50 years ago. I was very lucky to have a father who also sent me the Stones, Creedence, Santana, and so much more.
"Deep Purple - Machine Head." Seeing my purchase my sister's comment was, "There may be hope for you after all."

No longer have the album; it was stolen in a burglary. Do have it on CD. Which I'm going to play right now.
Elton John- Madman across the water. I bought it in 9th grade when it first came out.😁