I just returned a very highly regarded high-end low noise DAC. It has some of the best specs in the industry, lowest distortion, lowest jitter, super quiet dark background. It produced super clean, open, two dimensional "sound". Not "MUSIC".
While the digital designers were seeking absolute perfection, they also managed to completely eliminate the three dimensional and sweet sound of music right out of the equation. Could not wait to get back to my older distorted imperfect DAC. Once I did, real music returned.
Seems perfect digital specs on paper don’t always make for good music and maybe some of the good stuff gets filtered out of the "signal quality" to achieve sound perfection, not musicality
Based on 22 years of modding other companies DACs and designing my own, I have concluded that certain things compromise SQ in digital audio. Here is my prioritized list:
1) Jitter
2) Digital Filtering
3) Poor power regulation and decoupling in both digital and analog sections
4) Compression from too many stages or poorly designed OP-Amp stages or both
5) Poor ground-plane design
6) Long traces on circuit boards, over 1"
5) Insufficient drive from the output stages
Steve N.
Empirical Audio