What is the first album you purchased, and do you still have it?

My record collection is my passion.  I started buying albums when I was in 9th grade.  I was hooked.  I don;t think I missed a weekend visit to the local record shop in the mall from the time I was 16 until I graduated college.  I still own those albums that I took so much care to choose..Just wondering if anyone else holds such memories dear and are sentimentally holding on to their old albums.  I still play them and enjoy them every bit as much as I did back in the day.
And my first album was Elton John...Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.  Sometimes I look at the covers and think, I have listened to these so much, I am jaded.  But I put them on and enjoy them as much as I ever did.
Jan and Dean, Little Old Lady From Pasadena. Before that only 75's. Extremely limited record collection meant you played your music many times over, strange to think playing the same songs over and over could be so entertaining. Doubtful I still have that album, bad tt's meant I ruined most of my old vinyl.
I made fun of @jond for not having a TT, but I didn’t have one until high school. In JHS I had a Panasonic tape recorder, first tape I bought was the Ventures "Walk Don’t Run." I loved surf music, even wore a surfer’s cross.

The first LP I bought was The Moody Blues "Every Good Boy..." Had to get it since the track "Procession" blew me away.
"All Summer Long," The Beach Boys.  I still have it but I'd be afraid to play it for fear of damaging my stylus.  I'm sure it was abused in the first few years of its existence.  I have some of the tracks on CD and still listen to them occasionally.
Can’t remember what came first. Either The Beatles “The Beatles” or CCR Green River. Bought the The Beatles LP with 11th birthday money at Ted’s Records & Hobbies in Montréal. Sold it with all the rest of my 900 discs about ten years ago. What an idiot to not keep a few of the great ones. Listening to the 50th anniversary edition on Tidal these last couple of weeks. Incredible detail. I miss the physical properties of the vinyl but am very happy with the ease and quality of hi-res streaming.