A lot of the Denon, Pioneer and Sony DVD CD players from the 2000s sound great for CDs.
I have the Denon DVD-9000 DVD CD player an this Denon sounds great on CDs. This Denon DVD-9000 is really built.
I also like the Sony DVP-S9000ES DVD CD Player.
There were a lot of good Denon BluRay, DVD CD players that sounded real good for CDs. Denon DVD-2500BTCI, DENON DVD-3910
DENON DVD-5910, Denon DVD-5900. 2 very good Pioneer DVD CD player that you can get for under 100 dollars that sounds good on CDs is
Pioneer Elite DV-47Ai, PIoneer DV-37. Both of these players were nicely built.
I have the Denon DVD-9000 DVD CD player an this Denon sounds great on CDs. This Denon DVD-9000 is really built.
I also like the Sony DVP-S9000ES DVD CD Player.
There were a lot of good Denon BluRay, DVD CD players that sounded real good for CDs. Denon DVD-2500BTCI, DENON DVD-3910
DENON DVD-5910, Denon DVD-5900. 2 very good Pioneer DVD CD player that you can get for under 100 dollars that sounds good on CDs is
Pioneer Elite DV-47Ai, PIoneer DV-37. Both of these players were nicely built.