"There were a lot of good Denon BluRay, DVD CD players that sounded real good for CDs.
Denon DVD-2500BTCI, DENON DVD-3910 DENON DVD-5910..."
As much as the sound of Denon x910 series was unexpectedly good, they were prone to laser failures. At least 2910 and 3910 might have had the same assembly but I am not sure. "Prone to laser failures" for the most part translates into "count on it". Mine failed CDs but has continued just fine with SACDs, DVD-A, DVD-V, and video discs of some sort. Basically, isolated CD failure. It was almost ten years old when it happened. In case you are considering one of those, check with all the disc formats you may be interested in and not just a CD and consider it operable.