Need a Record Brush. Got a recommendation?


I'm going to put a record brush on my Christmas list. Do you have a recommendation? Why do you prefer it over other offerings? Not looking for a record cleaner, just a brush to use to get extraneous dust off of a clean record. Carbon, hair bristle, etc. What do you prefer and why? If you don't know why, but just like the way it works, that's fine too. ;~)

I don’t know if it’s still available, but I like the Hunt brush. Made in England, it has a center, velvet covered pad, with carbon fibre bristles on either side.
I've tried several brushes marketed for record cleaning and found them all ok at best. My solution may be weird, but it works for me. When humidity is higher and static isn't an issue, I just use microfiber cleaning cloths that I fold over into a pad. I have a big pile of them and I get a new one every week. Wash only with detergent, no fabric softener of course. When humidity drops and static becomes an issue, I hold a photographer's wide antistatic brush on the record with one hand and use the microfiber cloth with the other hand. The antistatic brush precedes the cloth in rotation. The Kinetronics brush is also available with a grounding wire  lead if you like.
I’ve had great success using the Zerostat, then wiping up the loose dust with the Audioquest fiber brush.

There’s a new Audioquest-anti-static-record-brush which may be what you’re looking for...

I've owned several, I currently use the latest Audioquest brush and don't find it really superior from others I've used. I just ordered the brush offered at Sleeve City just for the heck of it. I own a Destat. I always use the carbon fiber brush then the Destat before playing a side. This seems to work best
Always used various  incarnations of Audioquest brushes.
Currently using a carbon fiber anti static one.
Nope, no idea why apart from they are fairly priced and work well enough for me.