Turntable cuing light

I was looking for a solution to cuing records in dim light and found a cheap effective light. It is a BBQ light for around $13 at Amazon that has three AAA batteries, 24 inch gooseneck and clamps to the rack. It looks good and so far does the trick! I didn’t want another wall wart in the system so the battery option seemed like the way to go.
Your solution is more elegant than mine. I use the flashlight that came with a battery operated drill.
IKEA makes a small gooseneck LED lamp called “Jansjo” that I put beside my turntable. 
neat idea but watch out for those magnets underneath and your cartridge. just be careful you don't go close to your cartridge accidentally. I like the IKEA model better for that reason.
mgolpoor, good tip on the magnets.  Mine is clamped on the back of the rack the furthest point from the cartridge.