Best amp options between $2k-$4 to power Magnepan 1.7?

I currently own a PrimaLuna Prologue Premium along with a Musical Concepts modded Hafler DH-200 that had been just gathering dust. Apparently I upgraded my source chain past some critical mass over the past 2 years... when previously tried, the Hafler was more dynamic than the Prima Luna but it just didn't do anything to counterbalance the better midrangecolor and tone color solidnessof the PL... now the modded Hafler just blows away the Prima Luna for dynamics, imaging and bass foundation.

So I think I should buy a good solid state amp that will improve on the Hafler; can I find one in the $2K-$4K rangethat will also come close to the Prima Luna for tone color ability, no sandpaper on vocals and have the requisite wattagefor Magnepan?

I have to cast a vote for the Macintosh MA252 Integrated Amp. With a tube front end and a very robust 100W/Ch solid state power stage, this should make Maggie 1.7s absolutely sing.  That it is an integrated amp with a better than decent MM phono stage and unassailable build quality are huge bonuses.

I've never been a big MacIntosh fan, but this piece has just put a giant grin on my face every time I look at it or listen to it.

mzkmxcv, can you please post the source of measurements? The only measurements I’ve seen for Magnepans seem to show an almost constant 4 ohm resistive load across the frequency range covered by  the speakers. What you indicate is more like a capacitive load that the ESL speakers present to the amplifier.
Odyssey Audio monoblocks. Call
Klaus as he runs Maggie’s I believe.
+1 on the Parasound Halo A21 stereo power amp. This is a great amp especially for the money. Also consider the big Rotel RB-1590 stereo power amp, which is also great and very powerful and will drive your Maggies with ease. 
Either one of these amps will be a good choice for your Maggies and they retail for under $4k. I would give a serious consideration on the Parasound Halo A21.