Thinking about a new, lower end CD Player

My current CD player is a basic, older Sony, probably 10-12 years old. Works fine but I could use it in another location with a lower end system. It seems to sound about as good as my Arcam CD92 that lost its DAC a while back.

So now thinking about buying a new CDP and have a couple of questions.

I’d like to keep this in the $300-500 range for units with internal DAC. Not looking for SACD player. Other than a remote, not looking for special features or multi disk players.

I’m guessing that in this price range SQ is probably comparable to other units in that range.

First, is a CDP in this price range going to sound any better than the old Sony?
Second, if not, is there any reason not to just buy a comparable $200 unit?
Third, for units in this price range ($300-500) is there any reason to look for one with balanced output capability and if so, is there any way to know if it is truly balanced.

Thanks all,


Nice shoot out between the Ayre and Pioneer. Along the way and over the years Sony (ES) / Pioneer (Elite) built a few sleeper spinners that are still excellent in 2018.  Happy Listening!


I bought Luxman D-05U. I still buy CDs and do not download from websites (I did one album just to check how it goes) but put them on a server so I have almost no use for CD part of my new player. At the same time as buying a player, I ripped all my SACDs, and a few DVD-As that I have (along with transferring some records), so I have almost no use for SACD part of my new player either. I tried 4-5 discs so far. It ends up serving as a DAC, once I stretch my arm to turn it on which is not that often (the on/off is on the back). I just like to have a functioning machine in a dinosaur approach "just in case everything else fails". I picked this particular one because it can be operated by my amplifier's remote control, if the need be, and I like the way it looks. I know, I have a very non-audiophile approach and do not obsess with minutia of sound improvement but it is what it is. Nobody can say I did not match my components carefully. It is just that I did not match them the way it is usually thought of. On the other hand, it all works fine and I have no complaint about the sound.

Nice Luxman!  This company is making a huge comeback here in the U.S.A. Several glowing reviews out there on the Integrated amp and CD/SACD spinners. Good to read that you are enjoying its DAC capability.What other gear is in your system?
Happy Listening!


Nothing esoteric (not even Esoteric). Luxman 505UX amplifier, Luxman-D-05U CD player, SONY HAP-Z1ES digital player/server, Revel Performa3 F208. Also, rarely used but most beloved, many decades old Technics SL-Q2 turntable with a few months old Soundsmith Otello cartridge.

Rarely connected, but available, Sansui TU-717 tuner and Nakamichi CR-1A cassette player.