using a few of your own words, perhaps you did veer into “ tall poppy “ turf a bit...
in my inteactions w very talented engineers over the years - and there have been many , many outside of audio, ego is also an essential design ingredient... there are some speaker people doing a bit more than just buying off the shelf cones...some of them make amplifiers..
” I was about to write that the M7-HPA measures well for an amplifier with zero loop-negative feedback. Actually it measures well period. John Atkinson.....
I think he liked how it sounded also with cone speakers ;-) I think there are several paths the enlightenment....
in my inteactions w very talented engineers over the years - and there have been many , many outside of audio, ego is also an essential design ingredient... there are some speaker people doing a bit more than just buying off the shelf cones...some of them make amplifiers..
” I was about to write that the M7-HPA measures well for an amplifier with zero loop-negative feedback. Actually it measures well period. John Atkinson.....
I think he liked how it sounded also with cone speakers ;-) I think there are several paths the enlightenment....