I mean precisely that. You might want to do a little more reading on the RM-1 and RM-5. Perhaps you are new to this hobby.
This has nothing to do with my tastes and purposes. The RM-1 (1976) was lauded for its RIAA EQ accuracy, was the first popular preamp to use the 6DJ8/6922, has the lowest noise possible for that tube. Has 5 fully regulated, short circuit proof power supplies. Built in two chassis and weighs 55 pounds ! It is the only tube preamp to my knowledge that id DC coupled throughout with servos, relay protection and no output coupling capacitor.
That was a lot of work, But once you make a good preamp what is there left to do?
Power amps, on the other hand are a world of variety. Circuit topoligies, output transformers, protection, tube life. These are really difficult things to do.
Granted most people who dont design preamps will agree with you, but they dont design preamps, now do they?
I will say that many preamps fail because of poor power supplies. My power supplies are among the finest and they dont break like ARC power supplies. You can short my power supply, go to lunch, come back, remove the short and all is well, doesn’t even get hot. One millisecond short on an ARC power supply and you wont have time for lunch or dinner. Ask any tech.
A power amp is the finess in a system, certainly not the grunt.
May I remind you this is a thread to ask a technical question.
you can’t possibly mean that preamps are easier in general and I am unaware of any accolades for your preamps (whereas you are lauded for your amps). Obviously you mean that for your tastes and purposes, preamps are easier than amps.
I mean precisely that. You might want to do a little more reading on the RM-1 and RM-5. Perhaps you are new to this hobby.
This has nothing to do with my tastes and purposes. The RM-1 (1976) was lauded for its RIAA EQ accuracy, was the first popular preamp to use the 6DJ8/6922, has the lowest noise possible for that tube. Has 5 fully regulated, short circuit proof power supplies. Built in two chassis and weighs 55 pounds ! It is the only tube preamp to my knowledge that id DC coupled throughout with servos, relay protection and no output coupling capacitor.
That was a lot of work, But once you make a good preamp what is there left to do?
Power amps, on the other hand are a world of variety. Circuit topoligies, output transformers, protection, tube life. These are really difficult things to do.
Granted most people who dont design preamps will agree with you, but they dont design preamps, now do they?
A great preamp does more than attenuate a signal. It breathes life into music. A great preamp is quietly powerful, while a great amp simply provides grunt.A preamp does not attenuate a signal, it amplifiers a signal, provides selection of sources and control of volume, accurate phono EQ. But these are easy to obtain. There are only about 3 ways to make a preamp gain stage. There are an unlimited distinct ways of making a power amp and a good one is a challenge.
I will say that many preamps fail because of poor power supplies. My power supplies are among the finest and they dont break like ARC power supplies. You can short my power supply, go to lunch, come back, remove the short and all is well, doesn’t even get hot. One millisecond short on an ARC power supply and you wont have time for lunch or dinner. Ask any tech.
A power amp is the finess in a system, certainly not the grunt.
May I remind you this is a thread to ask a technical question.