Speaker Recommendations for Soundstage and Imaging

I'm putting together a new system where a large soundstage and holographic imaging are the top two priorities. I'm willing to give up something in other areas (detail, neutrality, dynamics, low bass, etc) to maximize those two properties. My budget for the speakers in this system is $2,000. My understanding is that, generally speaking, large floorstanders more readily offer large soundstages and small mini-monitors more readily offer that precise, holographic imaging. So I realize I'm after two competing but hopefully not mutually exclusive traits in that price range. Now if that wasn't demanding enough, I'd also prefer the compact floorstanding form factor. I'm willing to go standmount monitor but not willing to add a sub. Large floorstanders are out of the question. I'd love to hear the recommendations of the A'gon community. Thanks.
If space is tight suggest front ported design sonus faber have huge waf and they sound amazing concertinos i believe wood n leather italian construction thats amore!
Coincident eclipse, Silverline 1st generation Sonatina's, Cain&Cain Abbeys or other matches for SET tube amplification.. soundstaging and 3d holographic (as opposed to 2d "cookie cutter") imaging are what SET tube amplification will get you. Considering your priorities, I think you'll find that SET friendly (higher sensitivity) speakers matched with a good 300b or other SET amp will make you very happy. Vinyl will close the deal.
I have to agree with br3098 with being at least 3 ft from the back wall;but I don't understand Tbg comments on planars or ribbons as they don't image;I have to disagree on that point.
Maybe a pair of merlin monitors might work for you;there was a pair for 1400.00 a few days ago but I think they may have been sold as I don't see them any more;there are a lot of good suggestions already thou;good luck in your quest.
Listening position: Can you try a different layout - bring the speakers 1/3 of the way (about 6') out into the room, and move your chair back to about about 4' from rear wall?. This way the speakers will have more room for soundstaging, revealing greater depth perception, and any potential floorstanders won't get overly boomy from too much wall/corner interaction.
There's a speaker that exactly meets your requirements--the Thiel 1.6. Thiels are known for spooky-good imaging and soundstages that extend beyond the speakers. The 1.6 is a petite floorstander, a yard tall and a footprint the size of a piece of notebook paper. The port is a slot facing front so there shouldn't be much problem putting it closer to the wall behind, though you WILL lose much of that magic imaging unless you place damping panels on the walls. The price is exactly right too. If the new list price is a little much you should have no trouble scoring a used set under $2K.

For the best imaging, you need a phase-coherent speaker, and the Thiel 1.6 is one of the best in that regard. The acid test for this is the step response, shown on this page of the Stereophile review. It's nearly textbook perfect, and indicates that the sounds from all drivers hit your ears at the same time.

The only caveat with these (and most Thiel) speakers is that the load requires a good high-current amp capable of driving low impedances. The impedance measurements show that it presents a 3-ohm load over much of its operating range.