OTL Tube Amps and Full Range Electrostatic Speakers

I have Martin Logan CLX speakers which have a nasty impedance curve in the treble with a minimum of 0.7 ohms at  about 18 to 20 kHz - or so I have read.  The impedance of the CLX is, as many know, largely capacitive.  Over the years I have preferred tube amps and have heard OTL amps driving various Quad speakers with great results.  My own experience with the CLX's has been more positive with high quality solid state amps; I am currently using a Krell 402e which has no trouble driving this speaker well.  An ARC Ref 150 did not provide the control, particularly in the treble, which this speaker needs and did not provide the level of transparency which this speaker can provide.  I would appreciate hearing if anyone has experience with other tube amps with the CLX's or Sound Labs, particularly OTL's and whether autoformers provided a significant benefit.  Thanks for any insights.
Ag insider logo xs@2xsoundhound
Damn @kalali, can that be right? $13,000/pr is a lotta dough! I guess I assumed the $6500 quote was for a pair, but it appears you are correct. Looks like I won't be buying a set!
I agree with with audioman58 that the Berning amps, particularly the larger monoblocks do mate well with Sound Labs.  David Berning is an extremely intelligent and innovative circuit designer.  I have heard a number of his earlier products but not the ZH series although it is interesting that at least one reviewer reported excellent results with the ZH270 and the CLX.  One has to factor in room size and listening preferences.  The Linear Tube Audio amps have had excellent reviews but are limited in power output.  I would probably need at least 100 wpc.

I would like to thank Ralph Karsten weighing in with his usual insightful comments.  The MA1 with an autoformer is a possibility but 100 wpc may be marginal given the real sensitivity of the CLX - probably around 85 dB as determined in some reviews rather than the 90 dB quoted by ML although both numbers are probably accurate given the measuring conditions.  My own experience favors the former figure.

In regard to the MR200II, I am sure that it is an excellent amp and can handle lower impedances but I have not heard it and I suspect that monoblocks would be needed.

It appears that I shall need to make a trip to hear some of these amps or purchase one of these options at a price at which I do not take a major hit if I need to resell.  Any other thoughts are welcome.