New to audiophile and need HELP.

I’m new to this audiophile “hobby” , relatively “poor” , and need some advice and direction. 

I am willing to spend around $2k US now and then maybe another 1 k or so over time but then that’s it. I just simply can’t afford to go chasing a perfect system from now on. 

I realize that I’m going to be looking at equipment that is WAY below what most of you are running but I can see that this forum is extremely knowledgeable and helpful and so I would greatly appreciate some guidance. 

Right now , I have two Sonos play 5’s (gen 1) and two Sonos play 5’s (gen 2) as well as Sonos SUB. I really thought that these were good until I bought a Naim Mu-so and now I’m having real difficulty listening to the Sonos equipment. 

I’ve just recently ordered a signature Sound Anchor stand for my Mu-so which should be to me in about two weeks and my intention is to keep the Mu-so in my bedroom and then supplement/replace my Sonos with better equipment in my living room. 

Over the last few months I’ve been researching Bluesound , Audio Pro Addon, Devialet Phantom, Kef LS50 Wireless, Buchardt, more Mu-so’s Etc. And I really think that I’ve just managed to confuse myself. I really feel that if the Mu-so could function in stereo with another unit and you could add a sub then it would be about perfect for me.

However, I haven’t listened to and really don’t have access to listen to any other audiophile equipment either. 

I’m really salivating over a Naim Uniti Atom but it’s a lot of money to spend (for me) and I would still need to add speakers and probably a sub. Would streaming to my Mu-so (s) from an Atom give me an appreciable sound quality upgrade? 
If not, then I would have to save up for the speakers and sub as well. I can get more Mu-so’s For about $850.

Streaming is a must for me and I don’t really want to add a turntable or anything like that. 

My listening is very eclectic as one minute I will be enjoying classical and the next I might be 
Thrashing to punk or metal - thus the need for a sub. 

I’m sorry for the rambling post but any and all help would be greatly appreciated!! 


bacchus, I can't help you because I'm new to this game as well. But there have been discussions here about the decline in interest in hi-fi. Various theories have been given.

My theory is that there is this idea that you have to spend $10,000 to get in on the game. That alone will keep most people out of hi-fi even if they appreciate good sound quality. I think the key to this market surviving is to make it possible for someone to get in the game for a few thousand, which is still a stretch for most people. I would guess for $2-3k that you should be able to get a pretty nice set up.

Come on experts, let's help him out.
@ bacchus1234, You can find great sound for $2k, but you will need to do some sleuthing or you will need to find someone who already has done that kind of work at this end of the market for you. Go on youtube and subscribe to a guy by the name of Steve Guttenberg (the audiophiliac). He regularly looks at budget gear and has found some gems and some not-so gems and can guide you through.

Good luck and welcome to the hobby!
If I had around 2k to spend for a complete system I would buy the LS50W sight unseen. Good use of DSP and amplifiers specifically developed for the speakers. Spend that extra 1k later for a sub and be done with it. 
Never heard them but they look awesome. I want some. 
@bacchus1234 - I am a big fan of Bluesound - I have the Node 2 in my 2 channel system and I use a PowerNode2 for the A/V system.

When treated to some good cables the fidelity is extremely good.

The PowerNode 2 has a sub output and at a push you can add either a component with optical output OR a component with analogue output (analogue and optical share the same dual mode input).

It is 50 w/channel and has no problem driving my Tannoy Mercury 4 floor standing speakers, so it should work well with a large selection of speakers, and as you know it streams most popular services

It supports wither wireless or ethernet, but in wireless mode I find the signal has to be very strong for it to play 24/192 files without experiencing occasional gaps in playback - but that is related to the location of the wireless router and the PowerNode2.

The interface is very simple and quite intuitive and the Bluesound Support is top notch.

I have never regretted this purchase - it is perfect for this application and provides decent power without distortion (even when cranked up) and an exceptional image that at times sounds a bit like surround sound (i.e. sounds appear to come from behind the listening position)

It’s not the only solution - but it is a pretty darn good one for the money

Hope That Helps - Steve
Pick up some of the Andrew Jones Pioneer speakers, or ELAC's. You can get them for a couple hundred bucks a pair (I paid $100 new for a pair of Pioneer's). They are amazing for the money. Are they perfect? No. However, to most non-audiophile folks they sound amazing. The first day I had mine someone came into my house and immediately commented on how much better they sounded than his higher-dollar speakers. He even pointed at the Pioneer logo on the speakers and made a, "WTF" face. I had $100 Pioneers and a (new $3,500) NAD Integrated I purchased here for $200 and it blew people away how good it sounded.
 I'm unfamiliar with your amp, so I can't comment on that. I will say you can pick up a very decent used amp here for less than $500 that will be fine for your system. Pair with a Blue Sound and call it a day.
I've also owned the LS50's, and as great as they are that would take your entire budget. It would also continue your journey of searching for cables, better amps, etc.
I'm 95% certain you'd be more than happy with the Pioneers and a decent used amp. You'd probably in be in <$700 plus the Blue Sound.