Miss my Dunlavy Speakers, Were to go...

I had a pair of Dunlavy SC-1 speakers several years ago, and I miss them. They were so accurate, detailed (but never bright), and totally Disappeared into a room with hardwood floors and wood paneling that was only 10x10. I loved those speakers and miss them.

Short of finding a pair used were should I turn? My room is a little better, but not much. I listen fairly close. I have found Dynaudio just a bit dry for me. They have had most of what the Dunlavys offered, but just a little lean. I found Totem's Arro, Mite, and DC to be great, but not quit as accurate. They sing like the dickens and almost disappear, but they lacked a bit of the precision.

I have some Ohm that are still breaking in, but I'm having trouble getting used to their presentation. They sound a little laid back to me, and while I love the boxless sound they produce, it comes at the price of accuracy.

Anyway, these are just my MHO of these speakers and I know every person, room and system is different. I'm not trying to bash any of the above speakers. They all are really nice. I'm just to express where I stand, and trying to get a little guidance from some Dunlavy lovers out there.

Aside from any suggestions I may be moving onto Gallo 3.1s next.

i also had some dunlavy i (av model), which i stupidly and impulsively sold. my hangup at the time was the absence of any low end, although i recognized that the dunlavys image and detail like nothing else on earth. i've tried various well-regarded monitors (dynaudio, von schweikert) as replacements, tho nothing really reproduces the high end like the dunlavy. closest i've gotten is jm focal, which ahs that lovely, transparent tweeter and midrange. mark and daniel is also impressive, with a much more robust low end.
"I have found Dynaudio just a bit dry for me"

I owned those speakers years ago for a breif time,The Dynaudio C1 would be a major step up IMO..I will agree that Totem is not accurate enough,again IMO
The Maggie 1.6's would be a paradigm shift for you and worth trying out...I love my 3.6R's which replaced an endless procession of box speakers including Dunlavy SC-5's:O)
I owned Dunlavy SM-1s for a number of years and recommend that you listen to Lipinski L-505s or L-707s which many feel were based on the SM-1s. To my ear the Lipinski monitors, I've owned the 505s and currently own the 707s, share many characteristics with the Dunlavys and have improved on the Dunlavy design. There is a good review in Stereophile and a search of "Dunlavy Lipinski" will bring up a number of comparisons - some prefer one, some the other, but most feel they are similar.
There are many great speakers (out there) and I have had some of the best in their day; but only the Dunlavys continue to endure. I presently have five different models in a variety of audio/video systems and I marvel at the ability to continue upgrading the systems without touching the speakers. I'm still not sure of the totality of what they are capable of, so I continue to experiment being rewarded by whatever good choices I may make.

My recommendation is to go with Dunlavys, wherever they may be found. I've found it to be the best audio investment of my 40+ years in this hobby.