Denon DL 103 modifications and re-body questions thread

Dear all

I bought a DL103r to see what the fuss is all about, and found it fairly pleasant. Many people go on about re-bodying the cartridge so I took the plunge and bought an aluminium body.

I have noticed a few threads that are a bit disparate on these questions - the first question on my list being what I needed answered, but it would be helpful if thoughts can be posted on the other questions from those with the know how.

1. Should I glue the cartridge into the new body
2. What glue should I use
3. What are the characteristics of the various materials
4. Should I re-tip
5. What sort of new tip
6. who should I get to re-tip
7. Best arm matches
8. best tracking weight

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I just looked at Zu Audio's website regarding their Denon 103 cartridges. They glue the cartridge to the body using an unspecified "epoxy matrix". You might try researching epoxys to see if you can find a suitable one.

I had a new white sapphire cantilever and Paratrace stylus put on mine by ESCCO in England, at the time mine was done (about three+ years ago), it cost $350, and was very well worth it. Unfortunately, there was three month+ wait until I got it back. It turned out to worth the wait and expense for me, YMMV.

Soundsmith also retips the Denon, but there is a goodly sized waiting line there as well.

I use mine with a Dynavector 501 arm, where it seems to be a very good match. I usually set the tracking at 2.25 grams, though Escco said 2.00 grams would be fine with the new cantilever/stylus (they replace the spherical tip).

I don't have any experience with the 103. I recently read on where MF brought to our attention a "better" body for that cart.
 I also tried a 103 to see what the fuss was about and frankly they are not worth the expence to mod IMO. save your money and upgrade to a better cart. I know a lot of you will flame me for this but the Denon 103 is quite vailed, is boomy in the bottom end and not very detailed. I know many of the mods your talking about will help in these areas but to spend hundreds of dollars on moding it IMO is a waist of money. Just enjoy what it does well like musicality and funness (is that a word) and when the time is right upgrade to a better cart. The DL 103 is $250 to put another $300-$500 in to it wont make it sound like a $800 cart IMO. 
I'm not trying to sway you from your quest just trying to put things in perspective. I know many here think the 103 is a wonderful cart and it is a fun cart and a great buy for $250 not for $1000 with mods IMO. That said if your planning to spend much less then $200 go for it as it can only make it better for little money, anymore and i'd save the money and upgrade. 
I bought a 103r and hardwood body, cut the plastic outer body off and glued the naked guts into the hardwood body. I used Carpenter's Glue. ;-)