New to audiophile and need HELP.

I’m new to this audiophile “hobby” , relatively “poor” , and need some advice and direction. 

I am willing to spend around $2k US now and then maybe another 1 k or so over time but then that’s it. I just simply can’t afford to go chasing a perfect system from now on. 

I realize that I’m going to be looking at equipment that is WAY below what most of you are running but I can see that this forum is extremely knowledgeable and helpful and so I would greatly appreciate some guidance. 

Right now , I have two Sonos play 5’s (gen 1) and two Sonos play 5’s (gen 2) as well as Sonos SUB. I really thought that these were good until I bought a Naim Mu-so and now I’m having real difficulty listening to the Sonos equipment. 

I’ve just recently ordered a signature Sound Anchor stand for my Mu-so which should be to me in about two weeks and my intention is to keep the Mu-so in my bedroom and then supplement/replace my Sonos with better equipment in my living room. 

Over the last few months I’ve been researching Bluesound , Audio Pro Addon, Devialet Phantom, Kef LS50 Wireless, Buchardt, more Mu-so’s Etc. And I really think that I’ve just managed to confuse myself. I really feel that if the Mu-so could function in stereo with another unit and you could add a sub then it would be about perfect for me.

However, I haven’t listened to and really don’t have access to listen to any other audiophile equipment either. 

I’m really salivating over a Naim Uniti Atom but it’s a lot of money to spend (for me) and I would still need to add speakers and probably a sub. Would streaming to my Mu-so (s) from an Atom give me an appreciable sound quality upgrade? 
If not, then I would have to save up for the speakers and sub as well. I can get more Mu-so’s For about $850.

Streaming is a must for me and I don’t really want to add a turntable or anything like that. 

My listening is very eclectic as one minute I will be enjoying classical and the next I might be 
Thrashing to punk or metal - thus the need for a sub. 

I’m sorry for the rambling post but any and all help would be greatly appreciated!! 


Try Andrew Jones designed Elac debut 5 or 6, go for schitt amps, PS audio sprout amp. there are any listed now in stereophile budget 2018 equipment list
I think some people here have already suggested going to active speakers. These will be your best bang for buck I think. The LS50w are fantastic but you will need a sub either now or later down the road. Elac has a powered speaker now as well that is looking very interesting. Powered speakers tend to go for reasonable prices too in the used market. As you have said you listening to primarily streaming and don't want to be on the upgrade cycle then buy a good set of powered speakers and enjoy. then you don't need expensive cables and the such. 

the next option would be an all in one integrated and a set of speakers. with $2k to spend i'd think about $1k for speakers, $700 for integrated and the rest for cables, stands, ect.  If you can find something like a newer NAD amp and older pair of ProAc floor standers you'd be doing well and  ProAc floor standers don't need sub's. 

If your into a more close setting maybe a fullrange speaker like the Omegas. these are very efficient so you don't need much power so saving there in an amp. 

Look at Shitt Audio as well for very good affordable audio. 

buy used if your can for speakers minimum. 
I was in a similar situation as you not so long ago and started my first 'proper' system with a pair of KEF LS50 wireless speakers as they saved me the trouble/expense of a separate amp. However, after going through 4 replacements over a year for one issue after the other I finally had enough and returned them to the dealer. I previously also owned two Paradigm active products that failed and after the same experience with the KEF LS50 Wireless I decided no more actives for me.

I bought a pair of Dynaudio Emit 20 speakers and have paired them with a PS Audio Sprout 100 amplifier (which is quite good for it's size and price). I must add I use this in a near field setting but I imagine they would be fine in a small room as well. The combination is easily comparable to the KEF LS 50 Wireless - the highs may not be as clean/clear but they do play louder and have more slam/a fuller sound. I did feel the need for a sub with the KEF LS50 W (which also did tend to sound a bit bright in my opinion).

I do have a Naim Atom which I use with a pair of Atom GT1 bookshelf speakers and they sound pretty good. I got both the Atom and the speakers used for about $2000 so you could perhaps find a deal if you're patient/lucky! Wish you the best in finding your system, the quest is half the fun!  
So I too enjoy almost 100% of my music through tidal, band camp, other sources online and I enjoy CD's (no records for me yet). I also do not have alot of money ( though I enjoy music enough that I saved long enough to get what I want), I will say that I heard a pair of Elac uni-fi bookshelf speakers hooked to a rotel A-12 and was quite surprised at how well it sounded. (Not sure if it has sub pre out) You could get both new and a sub in your price range if it has sub pre out). I'm on my phone and can't see the rear pannel from the picture well enough to tell you if it does.