Line Magnetic 110Volt vs 220Volt

I am interested in buying a Line Magnetic amp. I checked online and see there are 2 versions: 110V and 220V.
The first one is more expensive than the second. For example, a new LM 518IA (220V) is $1800 new while the LM 518IA (110V) is about $3500 new.

I wonder if there is any difference in quality between 2 versions?
Talking about the inconvenience of having to use power converter, will it be really inconvenient?

Thank you.
Ag insider logo xs@2xquanghuy147
Wow that's quite a disparity in price for a different tap on the power transformer, assuming that's all it is. even if its a different transformer 220 v and 115v would be very close to the same price for cost. 

 Now if your in NA the 220v version will need a 220v outlet wired in or step up transformer. 

Also check were both prices in USD? I'm thinking the 220v may be in another currency. 
If you're buying new, the huge US markup should get you dealer support and warranty service that might be lost with the cheaper Asia version. Quite a markup to get that though...

At some point I looked heavily at some of the non-US sites, but eventually got scared off by the need of a power converter.  Figured I'd obsess forever about that device's influence on the sound... and that it would hurt my chances of resale.

Please let us know how it goes if you take the plunge, including the voltage transformer you go with...
Hi glennewdick,
I just checked again. The currency is in USD. 

Here is what copy from the website: 
Product Price: $1,735.29 USD
  • Product Model: Model: MUIA9831420
  • Product Weight: Shipping Weight: 35kg
  • Product Quantity: 2 Units in Stock
Please Choose: Color
Rmote Control Yes
Voltage 220V - 240V
Come with Tube cage cover Yes

Hi cal3713,
I'm not sure if I will go with it since I don't want to put the voltage transformer in my system (which will occupy some space). However, the price difference is so tempting :)

For chances of resale, probably it's only easy to sell to buyers in UK or in Asia since they have 230v directly from wall outlet there.