@tomic601 Also on the subject of heat.... this is NOTHING compared to creating a beast like the 787
stick to principles, there are different approaches to solving problems
i like the emerging theme from Eric ( Bdp24 ), Ralph and RM about early audio experiences, and especially mentors. I find that very useful and also a good mentor / mentee relationship benefits both.
for what it’s worth my mentor is Richard Vandersteen, a guy I greatly respect.
but can and certainly will learn from others.
great thread
Thanks Jim, I liken this thread to conversations I had with my mentors. We talked about physics, acoustics, amplifier design all the way down to why I should put chokes in my RM-9 mkII. Bruce DePlama got me onto that one.
Everyone was nice, no headbanging or harshness. We just shared information. We shared that we knew to be true from our own experience. DePalma also turned me on to the 100watt one pair EL-34 application. This application is always challenged when I bring it out. It is in the data sheets I went over in my Burning Amp presentation. http://berkeleyhifischool.com/having-fun-at-burning-amp-2018/
Anyone who does not believe you can get 100 watts out of ONE PAIR of EL-34s had better have a look.