When the ARC SP--3 was considered THE pre-amp to own, Frank Van Alstine took a look at it. He found the RIAA eq to be a little too off to be acceptable, the basic circuit to have a little too much non-linearity, and the power supply to be somewhat weak. He came up with solutions to all those faults (correcting the RIAA eq, reducing the distortion, and increasing the power supply's "stiffness"/lowering it's impedances), and offered a modestly-priced mod to correct the faults in the SP-3. Yet Bill Johnson continued to be considered a designer above all others by the High End community, and his ARC products therefore came attached with a certain cache' that others lacked. Some things never change ;-) .
For anyone looking for a modestly-powered tube amp, rather than pay $5995 for a poorly-designed amp that produces only 3.2 watts into 8 ohms and 1.2w into 4 (and at a very high output impedance, which will change the frequency response of almost all loudspeakers), take a look at, say ;-), the Music Reference RM-10 Mk.2. 25 watts pure Class A (a 35w Class A/B is also available, I believe), low output impedance, very long tube life, great sound, all for $5000. @twoch, if that strikes you as "B. kicking", so be it!