Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!


You are spot on! To my ears, I never found Thiel loudspeakers to sound bright, harsh nor thin. These speakers can absolutely tuned to one's musical liking via audio gear as well.  Happy Listening!

@prof, I completely agree that Thiels aren't remotely thin, bright or harsh.  My experience is mainly with the 2 2 and 3.7.  From what I've read both are on the warm side of the average Thiel.  That said, I can't imagine anyone finding either of them bright.  They're both very well balanced.  I find the 2 2 to be slightly warm and the 3.7 to be too close to call.  I think any deviation from neutral can be reversed by raising or lowering your seat a little.  I've powered the 2 2s with a Yamaha HT receiver and a B&K st202.  They aren't bright.  Anybody who says they are likes really rolled off highs or has some other axe to grind.  I haven't heard the 3.7s sound bright but I have heard them sound a little bit indistinct and soft in the bass.  That was remedied by doubling the power.  With enough power it's hard for me to imagine anyone finding significant fault with them.  They're fantastic all around performers. 
"density of sound"

I keep hearing this phrase coming up when describing the sound of Thiel speakers.  

Is this a special characteristic of first order filter?  Or is it a matter of speaker voicing?

For example, if I were to design my speakers using 4th order filters, can I still achieve this aspect of sound?


Good to see you. I believe the whole density of sound to refer to the speaker voicing. Perhaps one of our order filter experts can chime in.
Hope you are well and enjoying your pair of CS 2.4 loudspeakers.

Happy Listening!