B&W 802 N vs. D

I apologize in advance since this is probably an old question, but can someone summarize for me the differences in the sound of the 802 N and 802 D? I am wondering if the D's are worth the extra $$ they go for.
07-20-09: Missioncoonery
Bombaywalla ..We all know that the 802 needs power,old old news,,.....
you are quite the antogonist, Missioncoonery, aren't you?? on the prowl looking for a fight....
Ok, so you know that B&W speakers like power. So, which kind of amp would be suitable for this type of speaker? When you listened to this speaker, which amp or amps did you listen to it with??
Power, as your clever self would know, has 2 components & you can get high wattage increasing either or both components. Which of these 2 components of power seem to be more important for B&W speakers in your opinion?
Bombaywalla..I have no idea what works with the 802D..and dont care..I have no interest in them or the process in trying to make B&W speakers sound good..No im not looking for a fight,just thought your writings were silly and unimportant to be honest..but as stated enjoy those B&Ws..
No im not looking for a fight,just thought your writings were silly and unimportant to be honest..but as stated enjoy those B&Ws..
my post might be unimportant to you but you are not the only one on this forum. My post might have meaning to others interested in this brand & those interested in making these speakers sound better. It's OK with me that you do not like B&W & never will; you've made that clear w/o mincing your words. Fine w/ me; no offence taken.
I also think that your mind is shut closed.
Further you cannot read! Read my original post & tell me if I still own B&Ws.
You have dodged my power related question completely that alone has told me a lot about you!
"You have dodged my power related question completely that alone has told me a lot about you!"

I have no imput on how to make B&W speakers sound correct,not dodging anything..Simply just dont care...Back to the original poster ,go listen and judge for yourself..We are done with this,enjoy
That's right, Missioncoonery, we are done with this!
Like you wrote before "we agree to disagree".

BTW, what the heck are you doing in this thread?? This forum is a DISCUSSION forum where we discuss topics including those that do not align w/ your likes & dislikes. If you have nothing useful to contribute in this thread (or anyother) then get lost; find another thread that you can be useful in. Simply bashing B&W (or any other brand) is NOT what anybody wanted in this thread.
Remember we are in an audio discussion forum - if you don't like a topic(s) then stay out of their. No need for you to participate & spew your venom.
You are right, we are done here. Goodbye!

Now, back to Diw's question comparing 802D vs. 802N. Members with useful comments should kindly contribute. Those that do not like this topic, keep out! (many topics in this forum will not be to your liking but try to remain civil all-the-same). Not that I like or want to be doing this but I'm pretty sick of nimrods like Missioncoonery who think they know everything swooping in & raining on someone's thread. People like this should just stay away from audio discussion threads as these sort of people are not open to any discussion - their minds are made up & they are out to bash brands that they do not like/prefer - they are no use to anyone in a discussion forum.