Dear Lew, I quoted Carr because I can remember what he stated.
BTW I asked the question. Dertonarm also explained to me why
he prefers aluminum cantilevers. Alas I forget his arguments and
am reluctant to bother him because he is very busy at present.
Like my Slavic brother chakster i own different so called ''top
carts'' with aluminum cantilevers: ''some'' FR's, some Ikeda's,
one Miyabi Standard and Andreoli's Magic Diamond. I also
own ZYX Airy 3 with boron cantilever and glued stylus in a kind
of tube which is glued on the (boron) cantilever. My Friend Axel
Schurholz was not impressed with ZYX stylus and substituted
for his own boron/shibata combo. Despite of those ''facts'' I am
still most impressed with Berillium cantilevers. Alas no hard facts
for this opinion but, as you know, we are all emotional connected
with this hobby so the question is not about the truth (grin).