Which SR Blue or black Fuse

Which SR Blue fuse for ARC REF 5SE? It says 5A slo/blo 250V on the fuse but no size MM?any help? Anyone had any experience with either fuse and what was the result.
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Again, admin has seen the light, on yet another thread going toxic because of fuses
And yet you recommend a DAC on another thread that has as one of it's highly touted and defining features, an aftermarket fuse.

All the best,

Get the Synergistic blue fuses. I have owned the black ones and bought 1 blue fuse after reading the hooplaw on the new blue fuses. Right out of the box the blue fuse bested the black fuse by a huge margin.

 Ordered blue fuses for everything. There you have it!!
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"I've had plenty of fuses blow because my amp has a massive power supply and the most basic in-rush current limiting. I've gone through about half a dozen this year."

Really can't blame you for not buying a premium fuse. I doubt they would ever break in.