Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

I hesitate to mention how much I got my Ebony 2.7s for on Audiogon!  It was a price I really couldn't pass up.  Ridiculous bargain for these speakers.

But if I hadn't happened upon them, I'd still probably be taking a look at that pair in jon's link.
Happy birthday Tom Thiel!  Thanks for posting some of the equipment used in lex! Makes me want to get a krell fpb amp 
Tom tomthiel. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

I think you nailed it regarding time. I’ve come to believe that like other things in audio some people are more sensitive to such things. And even if statistical data suggests that many if not most don’t seem to appreciate it; for  the many that do, do it consistently and deeply. 

I also hope you realize that your time on this mass hurling through space, has brought about deep and enduring joy for many.
I’m sure all here wish for you to be around for many more birthdays. Thank you.

Tom, Happy Birthday to you!

We are all proud here to have such a master with whom to share our opinions and listening to valuable advice.

I'll never forget that day, long time ago, when I had the opportunity here in Italy to listen to a pair of 3.6 in a very good setup, since then that sound remained engraved in my mind and heart but I could only dream about Thiels. More of twenty years later I put my hands over these jewels to never let them go, a pure joy every time I switch on the system.
I know that all this is also your merit, so, thank You Tom!

Just to add a amp to the list that in my opinion has a very good synergy with Thiels, the McCormack DNA-2, with its ease and authority to drive loads around two ohm and even less,not to mention also the marvelous reproduction of the upper middle part of the spectrum.
Thank you all.
On to business. JA - the answer to your 'how many 2.7s' question lies with New Thiel, which no longer exists. I speculate based on conversations with first New Thiel operations manager Bob Brown and its best CEO Tom Malatesta that the number is probably in the hundreds of pairs. Very few indeed. Someday I am likely to find out and will share. If each of you can note the serial numbers of any pair you can. I'll put it on my list. Thiel serial numbers always began with #1.

Who here bought that pair of 3.7s directly from Rob? That's probably the high water mark for 3.7s. Number please.