Speaker problem

Hi guys, i need a little help here
I have a center channel speaker that is probably defective
It is turning off the amp channel.
I was first using a yamaha receiver to play with an amplifier
The amplifier channel was going off when i increased the volume up
I tried changing the speaker cables - did  not work
Tried changing the channel - using the center speaker as a front channel - the amplifier was always turning off regardless the change following the center speaker channel
I am curious as what it may be.
A crossover? A drive unit? How do I check what the problem is since I don't get support where I live
Today I am using a NAD m17 as preamp + classe sigma amp5 as amplifier and the speaker is a HTM2 from BW - 8ohms
Did the Yamaha/center speaker combination work, at one time? If so- refer to my first post. If not, is the NAD/center speaker combo working?    Clarity, please.
Sorry, the speaker was disabling the amp channel no matter where. It did disabled the amp channel as front channel as center channel. It did disabled the amp channel at channel 1-2-3-4-5-6-7. The problem followed the speaker. Tried also changing cables from pre amp to amp and speaker cables
The center speaker has to be the problem, from your testing. It’s obviously damaged, one way or the other. Again, though- Did the Yamaha & HTM center speaker combination work, at one time(is this problem a recent development)?  You mention the amp shutting down, when you increase volume.  Does the HTM speaker make any sound before you increase volume?
The problem is recent noted. I am not using the Yamaha anymore. When I upgraded with an amplifier that it first appeared. When it first appeared I was using the Yamaha 2030 as pre amp and the NAD M25 as an amplifier. At near -20 DB the speaker was showing the problem.  They told me by phone that it could be the Yamaha ( I don’t know how) and I replaced the Yamaha for a NAD M17 preamp. It kept happening of course. I thought it could be related with some issue with amp/speaker. I replaced the amplifier with a Classé AMP5. You might be asking: why you did not sent the speaker to repair? - I did. But the mother f... of the repair shop charged me for testing the speaker and told that it had nothing wrong. That is why