I said I was done in this thread and once again, I lied. I swear this question is in good faith and not meant to challenge or make a point. While looking over at Tungsol's website I saw this;Engineers and musicians have long debated the question of tube sound versus transistor sound. Conventional methods of frequency response, distortion, and noise measurement have always assumed linear (clean) operation of the test amplifier and have shown that no significant difference exists. In actual operation most amplifiers are often severely overloaded with signal transients. Under this condition there is a major difference in the harmonic distortion of tube and transistor circuits.http://www.tungsol.com/html/faqs14.html
Please be aware that this paper was not written by any Tungsol engineers who are long gone as well as their factory and any tribal knowledge.
This is the work of New Sensor who has taken over the name, probably with no resistance, and making the tubes in Russia. Im not saying these are bad tubes but they are not Tung Sol of America. The KT series apperars to be good and I have tested the 120s and 150s. The data sheet for the 150 is in Tungsol style but not of Tung Sol quality. No plate curves, Gm seem too high. Not informative as in the good old days. I have offered to help them.
Also keep in mind that New Sensor sells to the guitar amp market by 100 to 1. Nothing wrong with that. Thanks to the guitar guys for keeping the demand for tubes going. We audio users are a drop in the bucket.