@teo Some Ignorance is so manifold that it is used to commit to attacks so libelous and underhanded... that the person initiating is practically kicked off a given forum. So obvious to all, that there aren’t even words for it.And then that illiteracy and ignorance is paraded about as somehow being informed. That we can all be that dense. Jebus. What a horrific world that would be. So far gone that it can’t even be explained to a given person how far off base and wrongheaded a given comment might be.
I think im being called out but so poetically I can hardly be certain. I think Teo has a better future as Poet and Philosopher.
His verse is almost Shakespearian
Bruce De Plama (Brians brother) often quoted the last of this.
For sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds;
Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.