Tube tester: Orange VT 1000


I’m looking for a tube tester. The types of tubes I wanna test is first and foremost EL34, EL84, ECC81, ECC82 and ECC83. There are a number of other tubes I would like to be able to test also, but then I have to buy something that cost a lot more money.
Have any of you any experience of this Orange VT 1000? The reviews goes from very good to bad.

I used to pull tubes from every item in the house just to take them down to the Thrifty Drug Store and test them.  I probably ruined more tubes than I realized - it drove my Dad nuts.

Drug store testers were "service tube testers" and only performed cathode emissions testing, which is really only good for telling you if a tube is good or bad, in a vague way.  If you are going to collect more than a few NOS or used tubes then you are going to want to use a mutual conductance tester.

I won't get into which tester to select because I don't want to write a book and also there are guys on this forum who know a hell of a lot more about this than I do.
Our tube system is amplitrex AT1000, feel very convenient, but unfortunately, I don't know how to test 845 with it, does anyone know?

After reading tsbel's links I think I will not buy any tester before a new one is made, aiming for stereo amps. And with a reasonable price tag (which is wishful thinking).

Very interesting reading. Thanks tsbel.