Tube tester: Orange VT 1000


I’m looking for a tube tester. The types of tubes I wanna test is first and foremost EL34, EL84, ECC81, ECC82 and ECC83. There are a number of other tubes I would like to be able to test also, but then I have to buy something that cost a lot more money.
Have any of you any experience of this Orange VT 1000? The reviews goes from very good to bad.

Our tube system is amplitrex AT1000, feel very convenient, but unfortunately, I don't know how to test 845 with it, does anyone know?

After reading tsbel's links I think I will not buy any tester before a new one is made, aiming for stereo amps. And with a reasonable price tag (which is wishful thinking).

Very interesting reading. Thanks tsbel.