Hi Fi Tuning Supreme fuse-Burn In?

I've gone through the Hi Fi Tuning line of fuses starting with their Silver and then on to the Classic Gold.
I recently purchased the the Supreme.
The Supreme does everything I hoped it would but as with anything in this crazy hobby, there's seems to be a trade-off.
I'm getting more clarity and air but the presentation seems to have an edge or sharpness to it.
If everything was just slightly more-should I say organic?-I'd be one happy man.
I have about 60 hours on them.
Will more time smooth things out?
The Gold's are definitely smoother but they lack the air and clarity the Supreme's provide.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Sure! I’ve got proof most people think this stuff is a laughable joke! 
I support Kosst’s statement.  Yes, the concept of boutique fuses is one of the most hilarious things I’ve ever seen. Makes me chuckle to myself every time I see someone claiming a boutique fuse is worth the $250 each they got billed out of. I also feel sorry for them, but they ought to know better. 

Well Folks,

This looks like an argument with no resolution. The "fusers" and the "fuse deniers" will just have to agree to disagree.🧐
sleepwalker’s the one that exclaimed, "Everyone except you knows that the motion of electrons is the definition of electicity(his spelling, too)." and probably believes, we still live in a Newtonian universe. Try a little update there, at least to the 20th Century, Sparky! https://www.quora.com/Are-photons-involved-in-all-forms-of-electricity-for-example-when-it-flows-thr...    and   https://van.physics.illinois.edu/qa/listing.php?id=2348