My new/old/previous technician Ben arrives today and I will be spending most of my time with him and not so much here. I will continue to answer valid questions. We will be making and posting videos at the Berkeley hi fi school site. and on You Tube. Videos are what I want to spend my time on.
In the last week we have gotten off track. This thread is intended to answer questions and not to have people give opinions of my or others answers. I am always willing to debate a point that can be supported. That means supported from a recognized authority. For instance, concerning tube characteristics, ratings and applications that means data books from RCA, GE, Sylvania. Take your pick, they all agree with each other because RETMA made them. Did you know that all brands of tubes had exactly the same price lists? In otherwords you could carry a RCA price list in the 70s, as i did, and a 12AX7 was the same list price even if Telefuken made it. One list.
In some cases I have offered to build a A/B box for those interested in really hearing what is going on. It is my firm belief that is the most revealing way. Others may differ and continue to differ.
I thought the other day, Why not build a switch box with several IEC inlets and one standard outlet and a relay or switches. Let people listen to power cords on the fly. Two would be enough, or more doesn’t matter. Fuses too. What is wrong with that test? Lets do some real research.
I am not interested in de-bunking pseudoscience. Established science needs no de-bunking. To those who write up pages of pseudo science and create paradigms to make excuse for bad specs I no longer care to see here. Skilled people in this industry have come up with some minumum standards for noise, distortion and output impedance. I happen to agree with John Atkinson on these. Best wishes if you care to minimum standards. There are always outliers and they will be most adament.
One thing I have learned in this popular and intense thread it that many audiophiles have created a religion with various belief systems. I’m sorry but that interests me not at all. You can’t design a good ampifier on religious principles. You may get one to work, to make some music, but there will be much missing. Sorry.
I thank all for making this thread the most popular for two weeks on Agone. Im not leaving, just shifting my focus back to my real work.
Short questions without a lot of unnecessary information will get my first attention. Most questions can be asked in one or two sentences.