record vinyl to my macbook is it possible?

Not sure if I can do this.  The people at the apple store said no but they are not always right.
I'm sorry this is a bit off topic but I agree with stevecham. I've been a Mac user since they came out....really before...had an Apple IIe in college. I've never owned anything but Apple. (Have used Windows at work for decades).

Apple has grown increasingly hostile to the things I look for which are elegance, utility and usability of older software. That used to be their thing. No longer. I find the OS to be more and more Windows-like, I find that having to have a bag full of dongles to plug things into my laptop to be ridiculous (and expensive) and I find that Apple is abandoning relatively recent versions of their software with rapidity.

To the OP, you can always get a USB dongle to plug into a newer MacBook.

I'm seriously considering stepping away from Apple after 35 years for the very reason the OP is experiencing.
Of course you can digitize your vinyl. As mentioned above, you need an ADC - analog to digital converter (reverse of a DAC), and then you need the digital input into your mac to be recorded using software. Some turntables come with an USB output which can do this directly, but typically these tables are cheap and I’m not sure if the quality will be good. I can vouch for HRT Dacs having used them before, I am sure their ADC is very good.