I picked up my last set of Comete es's for $800, I believe they are now discontinued. Go to the Triangle website, get a list of dealers and start looking, there should still be some available at a discontinued price. The beauty of these Comets is that they're sensitivity is high making them an easy load for a receiver. I also like there presentation.
Considering the description of the sound your currently getting from the Energy's the Totem's would be worth an audition. I'm not a fan of the lesser B&W's, regardless, they're another possibility.
Currently there are many fine monitor size speakers right here on the Gon. A pair of Thiel SCS3 $875, Revel M20's $847, lots of Focal and ProAc speakers. Maybe some other's here have some more suggestions to help you.
Considering the description of the sound your currently getting from the Energy's the Totem's would be worth an audition. I'm not a fan of the lesser B&W's, regardless, they're another possibility.
Currently there are many fine monitor size speakers right here on the Gon. A pair of Thiel SCS3 $875, Revel M20's $847, lots of Focal and ProAc speakers. Maybe some other's here have some more suggestions to help you.