Digital streaming options for my system are confusing

I appreciate your advise in advance as I am more of a old school vinyl/cd guy. I have a McIntosh MAC6700 integrated receiver. It has a DAC but tech in this area is evolving at such a rapid rate that I am confused as the best way to access a high audio quality streaming/digital playback source. I have heard hi end streaming services (Tidal?) are great but my Amp does not have a direct iPhone/iPad connector. What is the best way to go that will keep my system simple and easy for the whole family to access? 
Stairway to streaming:

1. pick network streamer -- I love the Bryston BDP Pi (no DAC) $1200 or the Modified Sonos from Wyred4Sound $399 or CCA for $15+$60 modifications
2. subscribe to music service --I love Tidal Hi Res in particular free trial, but $20 per month
3. pick software management -- I love Roon’s interface annual fee, but you can find free trial codes online
4. Load Roon on to your computer making it a server for your music. Check to make sure your computer can handle it. You can find Roon computer specs on their site
5. Load the Roon app/remote to your tablet or phone

Sit back and enjoy. Check out John Darko’s site for more information.

I use a Bryston BDP Pi. It’s just a streamer without a DAC. Contains optical out and is also a ROON endpoint. You can connect it to the ethernet or use wifi. Highest resolution is 24/192. Sounds excellent. Chromecast is nice too and much cheaper. You can run Toslink as well and it’s a ROON endpoint. Same output resolution. Here’s a link on how to supercharge your Chromecast audio. If you have higher res files than 24/192 or DSD files then the systems below would be better suited.

Other options are the Aurelic G2, Aurender n100, Innuous, Wyred4Sound music server. Each of these costs $2k+

I’ve owed a bluesound, but keep in mind it has a DAC. I sold it and bought a Bryston. Good luck. Bryston has great service. Give them a call to discuss.
The Innuous is very easy to setup and does require a Roon subscription which is $120 a year or $500 lifetime.
I am a newbie, so someone please correct me if I am wrong. I have a Innuos ZenMini MK II  (Demo for $800) with iPeng connected to a Chord Qutest and no Roon running (iPeng instead). Now I dont know if I am losing a lot by having iPeng and not Roon, but a one time fee of about $10 and format looks good and easy to use (I am 50, VERY new to the HiFi) but save 120/yr or $500/lifetime reducing cost if this is a reasonable alternate to Roon
Bluesound is an entry level product. There are people that think this is a high end audio product and it isn’t even close. If you want to dabble into streaming knowing that you can’t access the best formats available and any money spent now will be thrown away when you want better, then go for bluesound. For $500, I would recommend the Auralic mini over bluesound. If you don’t go with Roon, the software DS Lightning that comes with the Auralic mini is better than the bluesound interface. 
I have gone the route of Mac mini server hooked up to an external dac over 10 years ago, then using the Auralic Aries music server hooked up to an external server, then getting rid of all that crap (usb connection to an external dac, music server, external dac, you never want to use wireless because you are never guaranteed of the quality of the connection) to a much simpler with much better sound quality using a dac with a network card in it and using Ethernet to connect to the dac. I use a standard Apple Mac mini to hold all my ripped/purchased music and the Mac runs Roon. I use my iPad in my music room to access all my ripped/purchased music along with streaming MQA from Tidal. Very simple to implement and use, it is not the cheapest, but it is much better than most of what was talked about in this thread 
Thanks Rohan. That breakdown is a huge help for me. I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion and given where I live I basically have to pick and choose based on online ratings and feedback from people like you. The best sources I have for live demo for stuff as basic as speakers beyond KEF and B&W (no offense because I have owned both brands and they are great) is 5+ hours each way. Other than buying and ultimately selling how else can you compare? Too bad audio doesn't have the 90 return if you don't like it policies like mattress makers, golf club/tennis racquet designers etc. I know this stuff costs a lot less to make but at the same time you would think a try before you buy attitude would be a big feature for someone waffling on a large purchase?? Why don't the Music Directs/Crutchfields of the world have demo gear? I worked in IT for years and you could demo a $100K Bluecoat (for example) hardware appliance if you were in the market. Sorry for the rant... Just a little frustrating.
Hell, even the last house I bought I was allowed to sleep in before I had to commit....