If you appreciate some of the characteristics of the Pangea Cables the designer, Jay Vincent, who designs for AA to a "price point" is the designer of the Clarus Cables which are in a similar price range as the AQ cable you are testing. Again congrats on your Spendors as I think in the long term you will be much happier than you would have been with the A3. As you are finding the Spendor's are among the group of "musical and comfortable" speakers that don't draw attention to themselves they just make music.
If you appreciate some of the characteristics of the Pangea Cables the designer, Jay Vincent, who designs for AA to a "price point" is the designer of the Clarus Cables which are in a similar price range as the AQ cable you are testing. Again congrats on your Spendors as I think in the long term you will be much happier than you would have been with the A3. As you are finding the Spendor's are among the group of "musical and comfortable" speakers that don't draw attention to themselves they just make music.