Just bought Technics SL1000 MK3 need to buy/borrow platter removal tools

Just purchased a Technics SL1000 MK3 turntable and need to purchase or borrow the platter center disc removal tool and the (2) platter removal handles so that the seller can properly/safely remove the platter for shipping.

Does the bearing need support like the SP10 MK2 does for shipping?
I have had SL1000 MK2's for years, but this is my first SP10 MK3.

Any packing suggestions would be appreciated.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrich121
My bad. The BA Mat2 is not stuck to the mk3 platter. I foolishly did that with the BA Mat on my Lenco.
I used some transparent tape and it does seem to have made a difference positively.  Blacker backgrounds.  more of an ease to the music.
If you're referring to using an adhesive surface under the Boston Audio Mat1 or 2, I presume you used double-sided tape.  Which is what I did on my Lenco platter to fix the BA Mat2.  My only reason for doing so was that I feared the mat could otherwise "slip" against the slippery surface of the Lenco platter.  I now regret that decision, because it places a layer of tape between the mat and the platter, thereby potentially impeding the transfer of energy between the two.  But that too is probably a ridiculous thing to worry about.  My Lenco sounds great.