Just bought Technics SL1000 MK3 need to buy/borrow platter removal tools

Just purchased a Technics SL1000 MK3 turntable and need to purchase or borrow the platter center disc removal tool and the (2) platter removal handles so that the seller can properly/safely remove the platter for shipping.

Does the bearing need support like the SP10 MK2 does for shipping?
I have had SL1000 MK2's for years, but this is my first SP10 MK3.

Any packing suggestions would be appreciated.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrich121
Thanks, JP.  Otherwise I would have to un-stick the Boston Audio Mat2 in order to visually inspect the platter lift holes. Or go onto the Soundfountain website.
My bad. The BA Mat2 is not stuck to the mk3 platter. I foolishly did that with the BA Mat on my Lenco.