low mass tone arm suggestion sub $1k used

I’m adding another tone arm to my Garrard table. looking for a low mass arm 9" or 10", preferably with out the wires going through the bottom of the arm mount but not critical. I’d like to spend less then $1k used (I may stretch that for a quality used-new arm if a great deal lets say max $2k). This is not for supper critical listening I just want a low mass option for random low mass carts, I may run my older VDH MC 10 on it for example. I have a 12" Jelco 750L as my main arm but I don’t think the Jelco arms are particularly light enough for the low mass carts out there. So any suggestions used or new for that matter would be appreciated.
Thanks everyone for the great suggestions. time to start looking into them.

I’ve thought about the new Jelco (They do look nice and here in Canada almost $3k) but its still too heavy for the MC 10 or simular, i’ve actually tried the cart on my 750L it works (barely with a light head shell and max damping), sort of defiantly not an ideal or happy match the carts suspension just isn’t up to the task of those heavy arms. I have room for one 12" right side and a 9" or 10" on the back (If the mount was not a huge hole I could fit another 12"). Unfortunate an arm pod would not really work unless I did some major rework of my plinth, the thought has crossed my mind though.

Should also note the MC 10 is a fine cart but its been rebuild once already (By VDH) and probably due again soon so its not the deciding factor in the low mass arm decision just be nice if I could use it there as I will probably get it re-tiped again. reason I’d like to have a removable head shell, but not necessary. Note my MC 10 is one of the originals silver bodied 0.25mv output so much lower output then the current model.

All the years playing records I’ve only ever had 4 or 5 tables and only three arms, longest time wise was a highly modded Rega RB 600 that was on an oracle Delphi ( multiple Mk1’s and a Mk4) sold the Rega with the last Oracle then built the Garrard 301 and put the Jelco on it to get started. think it was an older Denon wood plinth, then a rega planar 3 glass, and multiple oracles for 15 years lol I got stuck on them for a long time still love them but they don’t have what the Garrard has, other then maybe a bit lower noise floor. I like to say the oracle makes you melt in your chair the Garrard makes you get up and dance. I like to dance. ;-)

thanks chakster i’ll have a look for that, another one he did was a two part on you tube were he assembles a cart all filmed through his microscope very interesting.

Glen Newdick
thanks chakster i’ll have a look for that, another one he did was a two part on you tube were he assembles a cart all filmed through his microscope very interesting.

I've checked my notes, saved link to his old interview does not work. Anyway Technics EPA-100 and EPA-500/250 tonearms definitely VdH favorites. I paid for my EPA-100 about $1200 including shipping, it was 5 years ago, probably. Upgraded to the EPA-100 mkII last year (dreams comes true). 
I’m surprised the Mayware arm hasn’t been mentioned. Isn’t it the lowest-mass low-mass arm of all? I have one but never used it, so can’t comment further.
Also, as the Technics hi-end arms have been mentioned — I did use the EPA-500 for awhile, with the lightest armwand. I adored the design, less so the sound. Had some ’golden ear’ friends over — I had it set up alongside an SME 3009/II, playing identical cartridges, and all preferred the SME.
Low mass toneram? Denon DA 401 or Sme 3009 series III these are the first names that come to mind.